It takes a community to raise a child.

40 Developmental Assets

Many of us are aware of the traditional philosophy “It takes a community to raise a child.” Dr. Peter Benson has authored a research-based system that encompasses this traditional philosophy known as Search Institutes 40 Developmental Assets.

Designed to minimize risk factors and increase protective factors while focusing on asset building rather than liability management. Search Institutes 40 Developmental Assets are divided initially into two categories:

  • External Assets and
  • Internal Assets.

External Assets establish appropriate boundaries and connect the family, school, and neighborhood to encourage responsible behavior and also help youth use their time constructively in structured activities and programs.

Internal Assets focus on character development. Instilling values, increasing skills in social competencies like decision-making and conflict resolution, instilling a sense of positive identity, and value in education.

Coupled together, external and internal assets help young people grow into healthy adults.

In-Your-Life Mentoring

This system is the model of the Dubuque Dream Center Academy strategy to Impact Youth we call In Your Life Mentoring

In Your Life Mentors are Connected Caring Adults who are Unified in Purpose to build Assets in Youth designed to build strong Children. Missions can serve as a natural strategy that unify communities.

The Dream Center Academy mobilizes parents, teachers, and Dream Center School Connectors to Influence Character Development and Academic Outcomes of each Individual D.D.C.A. student.

Individual needs assessments, goal setting, and action plans are conducted for each student to determine the best action steps to influence the individual goals and outcomes for each student.

Priority of Parent

We believe parents are the primary and most important factor in the success of their child’s education. The Dubuque Dream Center Academy in partnership with parents, educate children on the foundation of a biblical worldview, rigorous academic standards, and executive skills that prepare students for lifelong success.

Academic Character Development

The Dubuque Dream Center Academy policies and values operate under the guidance and authority of the 66 books of the Bible as the inerrant word of God.

Students will be mentored through gospel curriculums, Biblical discipleship models (Matthew 28:19-20), and best practice trauma-informed SEL strategies.

The Dream Center Academy character development and behavior management best practice model is designed to enhance behavior and classroom management that will keep students in the classroom and focused.

Dream Center Academy School Connectors will focus on student retention, attendance, parent communication, and support teachers during classroom instruction.

Academic Character Curriculums: C.E.F.

CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship & Discipleship), social and emotional development strategies, and Character Development curriculums instill values and address issues such as conflict and anger management, anti-bullying, hygiene, dealing with peer pressure, trauma-informed coping strategies, culturally competent topics relevant to low-income and urban communities, and establishing a school culture that creates a family and community environment and safe school climate.

Meal Mentoring

School Connectors strategically engage and socialize with youth during mealtime to intentionally build relationships and reinforce value through a model called Developmental Relationships by Search Institute.


and Quality Education

© The Dream Academy | 2540 Central Ave | Dubuque, IA 52001

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